Wear a hat on March 27th and help children with brain tumours
What is Wear a Hat day?
It is a National Fund raising and awareness event in support of Brain Tumours, the UK’s Biggest Cancer Killer of Children and Young People. It takes on Friday 27th March but you can also choose you own day close to this.
Who can take part?
Any one, but it is an ideal activity for groups of children at nursery, school, clubs and those at work to participate in to have fun and to raise funds and awareness together.
How Can I Help?
Here are a few ideas how you can take part. Wear Hats for part or all of the day and get sponsored for doing so. Get sponsored for wearing a Hat the longest. Fundraising events linked to Hats e.g. Best Hat competitions. Or have a MAD HATTERS TEA PARTY.
Share your day
Please take photos of everyone in hats on and share on our facebook to demonstrate your support for brain tumours. www.facebook.com/AnnashopeUk
Where will the Money Go?
Every Penny donated will go to supporting children and young people in the region who has a brain tumour.
For More Information please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
To Donate Directly please click on following link www.justgiving.com/annashopewearahatday